About EmployLink

EmployLink is an initiative of SARC, a provincial association of over 100 community-based organizations whose primary responsibility is to provide supports for people experiencing disability.
SARC supports the work of its Members and other service providers to assist job seekers to prepare for, obtain, or maintain employment.
Find a Service Provider
What is supported employment?
Supported employment is a person-centred approach to assisting people experiencing disability to prepare for, obtain, or maintain employment.
Service providers have employment professionals who help job seekers transition into their position with ease and support them and their employer to ensure success in the workplace. Many SARC Member agencies provide supported employment programs at their organization.
Supported employment is a flexible approach to helping people experiencing disability achieve their employment goals.
What Can EmployLink Do For You?

Job Seekers
Are you looking for employment?
EmployLink connects you with information and service providers to help you in your job search.
Job Seekers
Employment Professionals
Are you an employment professional?
EmployLink provides resources to help you work with both job seekers and employers.
Employment Professionals
Are you an employer?
EmployLink provides information on the economic and other benefits of hiring people experiencing disability.
Bottom line – It pays to be inclusive.
Looking for someone to help you access an often untapped workforce? Connect with a service provider who can help you find the employees you need.
MentorAbility Canada is a national supported employment initiative that facilitates unique, short-term mentoring opportunities between employers and people experiencing disability.

CASE – The Canadian Association for Supported Employment
CASE is a national association for the supported employment sector. CASE works with employment service providers, employers, and community-based organizations to promote and encourage employment inclusion for people experiencing disability.

Supported Employment and SARC
Many SARC Agencies provide supported employment programs in their community.
The Supported Employment Transition Initiative (SETI) funding provides community-based organizations with the resources they need to implement and expand supported employment services.